Sunday, May 1, 2011


{shirt: Maxwell, belt: borrowed from Hersh, skirt: A&F, shoes: Jessica Simpson, rings: Tiffany's; vintage, Forever21, bracelet: David Yurman, necklace: POUR TOI Designs, sunglasses: Chanel}

1 term paper, 1 project & 1 portfolio review stands between me and graduation.  Got some awesome new shoes for the big day from Jeffery Campbell. I tested them out on all terrains yesterday at the Dali museum and beach (which non of us were prepared for and stuck out as we people watched from a bench drinking beers). Yesterday was the first free Saturday in a looooong time. It's nice to know summer is here.


  1. Agreed it is so nice that summer is here =) I actually relaxed this weekend which was so nice... though I have semi-intense studying to do on Monday and Tuesday. I really love your outfit! and Cropped tops are the best! Good luck on your exams and everything that you have to do for finals!!!!!

  2. I want those shoes! Great photos! Thanks for the NYC suggestions :)


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